SQL Server – Erro ao utilizar OPENROWSET: Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists May 28, 2016 0 Databases SQL Server Errors
SQL Server – Cannot resolve the collation conflict between … in the equal to operation. May 25, 2016 0 Databases SQL Server Errors
SQL Server – Como resolver o Warning Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation May 22, 2016 0 Databases SQL Server Query development
SQL Server – Heterogeneous queries require the ANSI_NULLS and ANSI_WARNINGS options to be set for the connection May 22, 2016 1 Databases SQL Server Errors
SQL Server – Como listar, ler, escrever, copiar, excluir e mover arquivos com o CLR (C#) May 7, 2016 4 CLR File Manipulation Databases SQL Server C# (CSharp)
SQL Server – Como realizar UPDATE e DELETE com TOP x registros May 7, 2016 1 Databases SQL Server Query development
SQL Server – O perigo de utilizar JOIN entre colunas de tipos de dados diferentes April 29, 2016 2 Databases SQL Server Performance Tuning
Utilizando sequences em user defined functions no SQL Server April 28, 2016 0 Query development Hacks Databases SQL Server
SQL Server 2012 – Trabalhando com Sequences e comparações com IDENTITY April 28, 2016 5 Databases SQL Server Query development
SQL Server – Consultando informações da instância no Windows Registry utilizando sys.dm_server_registry e xp_instance_regread April 23, 2016 0 Little known features Databases SQL Server Hacks DMVs e Catalog views