Como corrigir erro na instalação do SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) 2017 – Setup Failed: Incorrect function (0x80070001) October 4, 2021 10 Business Intelligence (BI) Errors
SQL Server – Como identificar timeout ou conexões interrompidas utilizando Extended Events (XE) ou SQL Profiler (Trace) September 29, 2021 0 Query development Databases SQL Server
SQL Server – Statement(s) could not be prepared. Case expressions may only be nested to level 10 July 6, 2019 0 Errors Databases SQL Server
SQL Server – Como identificar, monitorar e prevenir overflow em colunas com IDENTITY e SEQUENCE de tabelas com muitos registros February 8, 2017 3 Manutenção Monitoring Databases SQL Server
Reporting Services (SSRS) – Erro ao apagar relatórios móveis (Erro ao invocar a extensão de autorização) December 4, 2016 1 Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting Services (SSRS)
Erro de login failed for user ‘usuario’ ao tentar conectar no SQL Server por uma aplicação .NET (C#) November 23, 2016 2 Errors Programming Databases SQL Server C# (CSharp)
SQL Server Reporting Services – Erro ao Salvar Relatório: System.InvalidOperationException This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms. August 10, 2016 0 Reporting Services (SSRS) Business Intelligence (BI)
SQL Server – The server may be running out of resources, or the assembly may not be trusted with PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS or UNSAFE June 16, 2016 1 CLR Errors Databases SQL Server
SQL Server – Erro ao utilizar OPENROWSET: Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists May 28, 2016 0 Errors Databases SQL Server
SQL Server – Cannot resolve the collation conflict between … in the equal to operation. May 25, 2016 0 Databases SQL Server Errors