Descontos da “Black Friday” nos Treinamentos de SQL Server (Comprem meu curso kkkkk) November 27, 2020 1 Career and Courses News Career, Courses and Certifications
SQL Server – As “novas” funções GREATEST e LEAST November 27, 2020 1 Query development Databases SQL Server
SQL Server - How to know the last login date of a user November 9, 2020 0 Databases SQL Server Monitoring
Azure na Prática Gratuito #07 – Administrando Banco de Dados no Azure November 5, 2020 0 Career, Courses and Certifications Career and Courses Events and Lectures
Analysis Services – An error occurred while opening the model on the workspace database. Reason: An unexpected error occurred (file ‘tmcachemanager.cpp’, function ‘TMCacheManager::CreateEmptyCollectionsForAllParents’) November 5, 2020 3 Analysis Services (SSAS)
Quer aprender Azure na Prática? Conheça meu novo treinamento “Bancos de Dados no Azure” October 30, 2020 1 Career and Courses
SQL Server – Como saber há quanto tempo um database especÃfico está online October 30, 2020 1 Databases SQL Server Manutenção Query development
Connect-PowerBIServiceAccount : Failed to populate environments in settings September 17, 2020 0 Business Intelligence (BI) Power BI
Windows 10 – Como resolver problema de fone Bluetooth com lag, falhando e cortando o áudio July 10, 2020 52 Celulares